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Krzęcin Wind Farm

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Krzęcin Wind Farm

The Krzęcin Wind Farm (Polenergia Farma Wiatrowa 23 Sp. z o.o.) is located on plot nos. 47/1, 51/1, 56, 66, 403/1, 404 and 406 in the Krzęcin commune, Choszczno country, Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship.

6 MW

wind farm capacity



The Krzęcin Wind Farm consists of 4 Nordex S77 turbines with the height of 80 m and rotor diameter of 77 m. The total capacity of the Krzęcin Wind Farm is 6 MW.

The Krzęcin Wind Farm was built in 2010. In 2018, its owner became Polenergia Farma Wiatrowa 23 Sp. z o.o., a wholly owned special purpose vehicle of Polenergia S.A. The Krzęcin Wind Farm does not have its own GPO point and is connected to the 110/15 kV transformer station – Krzęcin substation owned by an external operator (ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.).

In all wind farms, after they are delivered for operation, post-construction monitoring of the impact of the turbines on birds and bats is carried out. The results of the 3-year research program, compliant with industry practices and decision on environmental conditions, are sent to competent authorities and to the communes where the projects are located. In the case of the Krzęcin Wind Farm, no negative impact on the analyzed species was identified.

All emissions are subject to environmental supervision and are subject to pertinent industry authorizations and agreements. This pertains to both noise emissions, electromagnetic fields and waste management by in-house or external services, and water and sewage management.

In accordance with the contents of the decision on environmental conditions, at the operation stage, the operator of the installation was obligated to carry out post-construction monitoring of the noise levels and ornithological and chiropterological monitoring, and hence:

  • the noise level measurements in accordance with the decision on environmental conditions were to be carried out in the nearby areas subject to noise protection (the village of Krzęcin and Słonice). The measurement was to be carried out within 30 days of the date of completion of the start-up of the Krzęcin Wind Farm, and if the permitted levels were exceeded, noise emission measures were required;
  • as regards post-construction monitoring of birds and mammals, the decision defined the operator’s obligations: during the project execution period and after its completion, monitoring of bird and mammal migrations should be carried out and, if negative impact of the project on such animals is identified, protection measures should be employed. In the case of finding a victim of collision (bird) such fact should be reported.

Noise levels measurements were performed in the nearby areas subject to noise protection, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 14 June 2007 on permissible noise levels in the environment (executive regulations prevailing during the noise level measurements) and in accordance with Attachment 6 to the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 4 November 2008 on the requirements regarding measurement of noise levels and measurement of collected volume of water. Based on the measurements carried out, no breaches of permissible noise levels were identified at any measurement point, hence the operator did not take any measures limiting the noise intensity of the installations (Measurements and analysis of the noise from the work of the wind farm near Krzęcin (4 Sudwind S77/77/1500 wind power plants with the capacity of 1.5 MW each, Laboratorium Eko-Pomiar s.c. Z. Zagubień, R. Ingielewicz, September 2010)

In accordance with the requirements of the decision on environmental conditions regarding nature monitoring, in 2009 the operator started post-construction monitoring. In accordance with the carried out post-construction monitoring, the environmentalists performing the nature inventory-taking did not identify any negative impact on birds and bats (Results of the annual monitoring in the area of the Krzęcin Wind Power Plant, Krzęcin Commune, Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, for birds and bats, Szczecin, October 2011). In accordance with the post-construction studies the environmentalists concluded that:

  • there was no collision of bats and birds with the wind turbines during the monitoring period,
  • there was no limitation of the nature resources of the analyzed Krzęcin Wind Farm area compared to the analyses carried out according to a similar observation plan at other project sites,
  • no adverse impact on other observed animals was identified (amphibians and mammals – wild boar and roe deer), which regularly feed and live in the turbine site, and the vertebrates,
  • the Krzęcin Wind Farm does not create a barrier to bird migrations,
  • the Krzęcin Wind Farm is not an important hatching site for birds from Annex I to the Bird Directive; the occurrence of these species was rare and sporadic; the area is used by abundant and common species.


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