The program aims to educate final year students and graduates who want to associate their professional career with the energy industry. The Energy Academy is not addressed to a broad group of participants. Every year, there are about 30 of them. In the most recent edition, from among 663 applications to the 2nd stage, 100 persons were qualified, of whom the selection committee selected only 35. In 2020, the participants met the lecturers online at September and October weekends.
Experts from the Group, during prepared lectures and workshops, talked about the Strategy of the Group’s development, the prospect of hydrogen projects and Offshore Wind Farms, energy transition and achievement of a non-carbon economy. The participants learned, among others, how the energy market changes, what trends there are, how to manage generating sources. All the lectures and practical courses taught by Employees of Polenergia, Polenergia Obrót and Polenergia Dystrybucja generated a great interest of the participants.
Apart from the lectures, the participants were to prepare in groups presentations to answer the question: How is the energy industry responding to the crisis? Which steps should we take to face the upcoming challenges? With the majority of votes, the commission, composed of Maciej Grzesiewski, a graduate of the previous edition of the Energy Academy, and the Director of the Polenergia S.A. Business Strategy and Development Department, as well as representatives of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE), PGNiG, ENEA SA, PKN Orlen SA, Forum Energii, Edison Energia, TGE SA, PKP Energetyka, awarded a distinction to a presentation on sustainable development and healthy lifestyle.